求大神们一个 Neurocomputing 的模板

2019-10-16 11:25发布

官网上下了个elsarticle安装包,但是有个elsarticle.dtx文件打不开,不知道是不是自己下错了。 我用的是TEXlive2018版本 正常模板版本应该是这个样式: ![](http...

官网上下了个elsarticle安装包,但是有个elsarticle.dtx文件打不开,不知道是不是自己下错了。 我用的是TEXlive2018版本 正常模板版本应该是这个样式: ![](https://wenda.latexstudio.net/data/attach/191016/cFXHwchB.png) 然而我目前编译出来的是白版的那种 下载链接:https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsarticle 请大神们解读看看
2019-10-16 11:39
.dtx文件是documented LaTeX的缩写,你可能还需要一个.ins文件才能编译出需要的.cls文件。 你需要去读README,然后看如何编译出需要的.cls文件。当然,如果只是用这个包,用楼上的方法足矣。 不熟悉的情况下,不要瞎折腾,这是用LaTeX的基本原则。

作者追问:2019-10-16 11:39

This is Elsevier's new document class for typeset journal articles, elsarticle.cls. It is now accepted for submitted articles, both in Elsevier's electronic submission system and elsewhere. Elsevier's previous document class for typeset articles, elsart.cls, is now over 10 years old. It has been replaced with this newly written document class elsarticle.cls, which has been developed for Elsevier by the leading TeX developer STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd. elsarticle.cls is based upon the standard LaTeX document class article.cls. It uses natbib.sty for bibliographical references. Bugs and problems with elsarticle.cls may be reported to the developers of the class via elsarticle@stmdocs.in. The file manifest.txt provides a list of the files in the elsarticle bundle. The following are the main files available: - elsarticle.dtx, the dtx file - elsdoc.pdf, the user documentation - elsarticle-template-num.tex, template file for numerical citations - elsarticle-template-harv.tex, template file for name-year citations - elsarticle-template-num-names.tex, template file for numerical citations + new natbib option. Eg. Jones et al. [21] - elsarticle-num.bst, bibliographic style for numerical references - elsarticle-harv.bst, bibliographic style for name-year references - elsarticle-num-names.bst, bibliographic style for numerical referencces + new natbib option for citations. To extract elsarticle.cls from *.dtx: latex elsarticle.ins The documentation file is elsdoc.tex in the contrib directory. To compile it: 1. pdflatex elsdoc 2. pdflatex elsdoc 3. pdflatex elsdoc or use the makefile. Use the target `all' (eg: make all). The above procedure will create a print version, namely elsdoc.pdf. Copyright 2007-2019, Elsevier. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions and comments may be mailed to elsarticle@stmdocs.in. elsarticle.cls, related documentation and supporting packages are released under the LATEX Project Public Licence, either version 1.3 or any later version. This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'author-maintained'. 请恕我没怎么看明白

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