
2019-11-18 16:11发布

```tex \documentclass[10pt,twocolumn,twoside]{IEEEtran} \begin{document} \section{THO-OFDM system} S...

```tex \documentclass[10pt,twocolumn,twoside]{IEEEtran} \begin{document} \section{THO-OFDM system} Since the clipping noise of ACO-OFDM signal in first layer falls on the even subcarriers, the even subcarriers can be used to carry useful data after we removing the clipping noise on the even subcarriers. We denote the second layer \textit{N}/2-point data as $X_{\rm{THO}}^2=[0,X_1,0,X_3,...,X_{N/4-1},0,X_{N/4-1}^*,0,...,X_3^*,0,X_1^*]$, also denote the third layer \textit{N}/2-point data $X_{{\rm{PAM}}}^{(3)}$ as $j[0,0,P_2,0,P_4,... ,P_{N/4-2},0,0,0,-{P_{N/4-2}},0, ..., -{P_4},0,-{P_2},0]$, where $j=\sqrt{-1}$ and ${P_k}(k = 2,4,...,{N/4-2})$ is the PAM symbols. After IFFT and negative clipping operation, the \textit{N}/2-point unipolar signals of the second and third layers, corresponding to $x_{\rm{ACO}}^2$ and $x_{\rm{PAM}}^3$ can be obtained. \end{document} ![](https://pics.latexstudio.net/data/images/201911/54872378f8d001f.jpg) ```
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2019-11-18 16:18
行内公式的可断行位置很少,自动断行机制很少发挥作用。 双栏模式下、长度接近行宽的行内公式,建议改用行间公式。

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