
2019-11-22 23:32发布

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\bibliographystyle{unsrt} %\bibliographystyle{alpha} % plain, unsrt, abbrv, alpha, siam, acm, apalike \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{acosta_numerical_2019} G. Acosta and F. Bersetche. \newblock Numerical approximations for a fully fractional {Allen}-{Cahn} equation. \newblock {\em arXiv:1903.08964 [math]} \newblock arXiv: 1903.08964, 2019. \bibitem{allen_microscopic_1979} S.~M. Allen and J.~W. Cahn. \newblock A microscopic theory for antiphase boundary motion and its application to antiphase domain coarsening. \newblock {\em Acta Metall. Mater.}, 27:1085--1095, 1979. \bibitem{oldham_k._b._fractional_1974} Oldham~K. B. and Spanier J. \newblock { The {Fractional} {Calculus}}. \newblock {\em Academic Press}, New York, 1974. \bibitem{elliott_global_1993} C.~M. Elliott and A.~M. Stuart. \newblock The {Global} {Dynamics} of {Discrete} {Semilinear} {Parabolic} {Equations}. \newblock {\em SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, 30(6):1622--1663, 1993. \bibitem{feng_uniquely_2018} Wenqiang Feng, Zhen Guan, John Lowengrub, Cheng Wang, Steven~M. Wise, and Ying Chen. \newblock A {Uniquely} {Solvable}, {Energy} {Stable} {Numerical} {Scheme} for the {Functionalized} {Cahn}–{Hilliard} {Equation} and {Its} {Convergence} {Analysis}. \newblock {\em J. Sci. Comput.}, 76(3):1938--1967, 2018. \end{thebibliography}
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