
2019-12-10 20:55发布

[图]我想引用算法1,但时这里默认引用的算法编号是章节号,应该如何设置? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{algps...


\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}}  % Use Input in the format 
%of Algorithm  
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} % Use Output in the format 


  \begin{algorithm}[htb]   \label{myAlg}
    \caption{ Framework of ensemble learning for our system.}  
        The set of positive samples for current batch, $P_n$;  
        The set of unlabelled samples for current batch, $U_n$;  
        Ensemble of classifiers on former batches, $E_{n-1}$;  
        Ensemble of classifiers on the current batch, $E_n$;  
        \State Extracting the set of reliable negative and/or positive samples 
        $T_n$ from $U_n$ with help of $P_n$;  
        \State Training ensemble of classifiers $E$ on $T_n \cup P_n$, with 
        help of data in former batches;  
        \State $E_n=E_{n-1}cup E$;  
        \State Classifying samples in $U_n-T_n$ by $E_n$;  
        \State Deleting some weak classifiers in $E_n$ so as to keep the 
        capacity of $E_n$;  
        \label{code:fram:select} \\  
        \Return $E_n$;  


In this paper, we designed an Algorithm \ref{myAlg}.
建议把 `label` 写在 `caption` 后面

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