环境:texlive2019 + texstudio2.12.18
使用IEEEtran出现了错误 `undefined control sequence \maketitle`
环境:texlive2019 + texstudio2.12.18
使用IEEEtran出现了错误 `undefined control sequence \maketitle`
% paper title
\title{\huge Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format}
% author names and affiliations
\author{\authorblockN{Karen Garfield and Mickey Mouse}
\authorblockA{\textit{Department of Nuclear Power Engineering}\\
\textit{University of Northland}\\
\textit{Iqaluit, Nunavut, M2M 6H6, Canada}\\
\textit{\{kgarfield, mmouse\}@unorthland.ca}\\}
% make the title area
Here is abstract contents.
% no \PARstart
Here is introduction contents.
一周热门 更多>