fatal: Can't handle OFM files with level是什么报错?

2020-02-17 16:15发布

报错信息: ``` We now make it that large for the rest of the document. This may cause the page layout to...

报错信息: ``` We now make it that large for the rest of the document. This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however. [1] (./main.mw) [2] (./main.mw) [3] (./main.mw) [4] (./main.mw) [5] (./main.mw) [6] (./main.mw) [7] (./main.mw) [8] (./main.mw) xdvipdfmx:fatal: Can't handle OFM files with level > 1 No output PDF file written. ``` 在谷歌上并未找到相同的错误。 感谢! OS: Linux texlive: 2019 我感觉这跟代码无关。。。因为我试了好几个宏包自带的example.tex 都不行,测试后发现只要tex文件有数学符号就会出错,我昨晚又试着在windows上重新安装了texlive2019,还是不行;今早又试着在linux 上装了texlive,也不行。感觉四边形不等式懵逼。我实在想不出来我犯了什么蠢,还请大佬指明。 如图。![windows texlive2019](https://pics.latexstudio.net/data/images/202002/dd076ed2a33c240.png "windows texlive2019")

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