为什么每次运行后会多出题目和答案的tex 文件?如何设置使得这些文件运行结束后不出现?谢谢!

2020-03-29 21:48发布

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/224408/\documentclass{article}\usepackage{xsim} \usepackage{needsp...

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/224408/



% we’ll use a description list for the hints:





% set hint through option:
\begin{exercise}[subtitle=Pythagoras,hint=This is a hint to the first problem.]
This is the first problem.
This is the solution to the first problem.

\begin{exercise}[subtitle=Another Problem]
This is the second problem.
This is the solution to the second problem.

% set hint with custom command:
\begin{exercise}[subtitle=Yet Another Problem]
This is the third problem.
\hint{This is a hint to the third problem.}
This is the solution to the third problem.


