目标:正确显示出参考文献 问题:排班出来都是问号 背景: 我的.bib文件确定有引用的文献,但是在四次编译后仍然显示文献缺失,查看了编译后的bbl文件,也是空的内容。我的bibtexkey是从JabRef直接复制的,不知道问题出在哪里呢QAQ? 我的代码书写如下,参考的是知乎答主的书写格式 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25013341 latex代码: \documentclass{ctexart} \usepackage{apacite} \bibliographystyle{apacite} \begin{document} \citeA{Honjo1980a} 进行了一项研究。 研究成果表明XXXXX~\cite{Honjo1980a}。 这项 研究是由~\citeauthor{Honjo1980a} 在~\citeyearNP{Honjo1980a} 完成的。 \bibliography{example} \end{document} bib文件内容: @Article{Honjo1980a, author = {Honjo, Iwao and Isshiki, Nobuhiko}, journal = {Archives of Otolaryngology}, title = {{Laryngoscopic and Voice Characteristics of Aged Persons}}, year = {1980}, issn = {0003-9977}, month = {03}, number = {3}, pages = {149-150}, volume = {106}, abstract = {{• Laryngoscopic and voice changes in aged persons were examined in 20 men and 20 women with a mean age of 75 years. From recordings of their voices, voice quality was assessed and the fundamental frequency and pitch perturbation were measured. The characteristic findings obtained were as follows: the aged men tended to show marked vocal fold atrophy and/or edema, with a higher fundamental frequency of voice than young men, and the aged women tended to have vocal fold edema and slight hoarseness, with a lower fundamental frequency than young women. Voice changes in senescence are characterized by slight hoarseness or a noticeable change in fundamental frequency of voice. Change in the mass of vocal folds, due, for example, to atrophy or edema, is considered to be the greatest factor in these voice changes.(Arch Otolaryngol 106:149-150, 1980)}}, doi = {10.1001/archotol.1980.00790270013003}, eprint = {https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/articlepdf/608242/archotol\_106\_3\_003.pdf}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1001/archotol.1980.00790270013003}, } Texstudio错误警告内容: 开始 : bibtex "document".aux This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2019) The top-level auxiliary file: document.aux The style file: apacite.bst I couldn't open database file example.bib ---line 7 of file document.aux : \bibdata{example : } I'm skipping whatever remains of this command I found no database files---while reading file document.aux Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "Honjo1980a" apacite.bst [2013/07/21 v6.03 APA bibliography style] (There were 2 error messages) 出现错误

1 回答1

通过自查,找到错误在哪里了,就是错误版本中TexStudio中我写的是\bibliography{example} 而实际上我的文件名是Reference01.bib 所以正确写法应该是 \bibliography{Reference01} 所以bibtex编译时找不到正确的bib文件。 嗯,这个错误太低级,我下次注意,占用资源不好意思QAQ


