## 编译环境 操作系统 * [ ] Windows 7/8/10 * [x] macOS * [ ] Linux `若需勾选,请把[ ]改成[x]` Tex发行版 * [ ] TexLive `年份` * [x] MikTeX `2020` * [ ] CTeX `若需勾选,请把[ ]改成[x]` ## 最近更新了一下macTex,导致以前的文件都不能运行了??? 一个最小的实例 ``` \documentclass{article} \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} % 中文包,如果含有公式也适用 \usepackage[colorlinks,linkcolor=red]{hyperref} % 超链接 \usepackage[super,sort&compress]{gbt7714} \bibliographystyle{gbt7714-numerical} % 顺序编码制 \begin{document} 正文 \cite{herrera2004some} jjb \cite{baillon2015tailor} ghvg \bibliography{cankao2} \end{document} ``` cankao2.bib文件内容如下 ``` @article{herrera2004some, title = {Some issues on consistency of fuzzy preference relations}, author = {{Herrera-Viedma}, Enrique and Herrera, Francisco and Chiclana, Francisco and Luque, Mar{\textbackslash}'{\textbackslash}ia}, year = {2004}, volume = {154}, pages = {98--109}, journal = {European Journal of Operational Research}, number = {1} } @article{baillon2015tailor, title = {A tailor-made test of intransitive choice}, author = {Baillon, Aur{\'e}lien and Bleichrodt, Han and Cillo, Alessandra}, year = {2015}, volume = {63}, pages = {198--211}, publisher = {{INFORMS}}, journal = {Operations Research}, number = {1} } ``` 用的是texstduio运行的(我觉得和编辑器没关系,我没更新mactex以前都没有报错)报错结果如下 ``` This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2020) The top-level auxiliary file: test1.aux The style file: gbt7714-numerical.bst Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 19 of file test1.aux : \bibstyle : {gbt7714-numerical} I'm skipping whatever remains of this command Database file #1: cankao2.bib (There was 1 error message) 出现错误 ```

3 回答3

编译方式是?区别参考这里:https://wenda.latexstudio.net/article-5014.html 清除辅助文件用命令行编译呢?
  • 感觉找到原因了,不是清理辅助文件的事?而是`\usepackage[super,sort – 羽箭 2020-10-06 08:54 回复
感觉找到原因了,不是清理辅助文件的事?而是 `\usepackage[super,sort&compress]{gbt7714}` 这个命令中的super参数,同样的换成numbers,也不能使用,不能使用这个参数,应该是宏包之间的冲突,谢谢
新版 gbt7714 v2.0 不再使用 `super` 等参数,直接使用 `\bibliographystyle`


