\caption{Characteristics of studies comparing endovascular aortic aneurysm
repair and open surgical repair in Western patients with elective abdominal
aortic aneurysms.}
Study & Year of Publication & Study Period & Study Location & Journal of Publication & No. of Institutions & EVAR & OSR & Study Design & Follow-up EVAR & Follow-up OSR & Comments \\
McNally et al & June,2010 & 2004.7-2007.7 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 173 & 228 & Retro. & … & … & \\
Jetty et al & March,2010 & 2002.4.31-2007.3.31 & Canada & J.Vasc.Surg. & multicenter & 888 & 5573 & Retro. & 5 & 5 & CIHI-DAD Database \$ \\
Turnbull et al & March,2010 & 2002.2.25-2003.4.14 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & 13 centers & 166 & 243 & PNR & 5 & 5 & eLPS $\pounds$ \\
Steinmetz et al & January 8,2010 & 1999.1-2006.12 & France & Eur.J.Vasc.Endovasc.Surg. & single-center & 148 & 134 & Retro. & 5 & 5 & Include High-risk exclude low-risk \\
Chisci et al & 2009 & 2005.1-2007.12 & Italy and Sweden & J.Endovasc.Ther. & 2 centers & 74 & 61 & Retro. & 1.6 & 2.1 & Exclude Fenestrated EVAR \\
Dick et al & March.29.2008 & 1998.1-2002.12 & Switzerland & World.J.Surg. & single-center & 68 & 244 & Retro. & 4.6 & 4.9 & Exclude emergency OSR \\
Cronenwett et al & December,2007 & 2003.1-2006.12 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & 9 hospitals & 495 & 667 & PNR & 1 & 1 & VSGNNE Database \textdagger \\
Faizer et al & June.2007 & 1999.1-2004.12 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 304 & 558 & Retro. & … & … & \\
Chan et al & March.2007 & 1997.1-2005.10 & UK & Int.J.Clin.Pract. & single-center & 157 & 329 & Retro. & … & … & \\
Aljabri et al & December,2006 & NG & Canada & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 43 & 33 & PNR & 0.5 & 0.5 & \\
Sicard et al & August,2006 & NG & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & 5 IDE‡ & 565 & 61 & Retro. & 2.7 & 2.5 & High-risk \\
Johnson et al & March 15,2006 & 2001.5.1- 2003.9.30 & USA & Am.J.Surg. &123 VA hospitals & 717 & 1187 & Retro. & 1 & 1 & VA-NSQIP Database $\Vert$ \\%\textparagraph
Bush et al & January ,2006 & & & J.Am.Coll.Surg. & & & & & & & \\
Aarts et al & August 2,2005 & 1998.10-2004.1 & Netherlands & Ann.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 99 & 116 & Retro. & 1.9 & 1.9 & \\
Vogel et al & August 1,2005 & 1998-2003 & USA & Ann.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 92 & 126 & PNR & … & … & Short Form 36 (SF-36) \\
Soulez et al & August,2005 & 1998.9-2002.7 & Canada & J.Vasc.Interv.Radiol & single-center & 20 & 20 & RCT & 2.4 & 2.3 & \\
Lifeline Registry & July,2005 & NG & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & 4 IDE \textdaggerdbl & 2063 & 334 & Retro. & >5 & >1 & AnCure, AneuRx, Excluder , PowerLink \\
Hua et al & March,2005 & 2000.1.1-2003.10.31 & USA & Am.J.Surg. & 14 centers & 460 & 582 & Retro. & … & … & NSQIP–PS Database¶ \\
Goueffic et al & 2005 & 1995.1-2001.12 & France & J.Endovasc.Ther. & single-center & 209 & 289 & PNR & 1.6 & 3.3 & \\
Carpenter et al & November,2004 & 2000.7.18-2003.3.31 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. &15 centers & 192 & 66 & PNR & 1 & 1 & PowerLink \\
Wang et al & September,2008 & & & & & & & & 4.1 & 3.1 & \\
Cao et al & November,2004 & 1997.1-2003.12 & Italy & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 534 & 585 & PNR & 2.8 & 2.9 & \\
DREAM (Prinssen) & October,2004 & 2000.11-2003.12 & Netherlands & N.Engl.J.Med & 24 $+$ 4 centers \textsection & 171 & 174 & RCT & … & … & Dutch Randomized Endovascular Aneurysm Management (DREAM) Trial Group \\
DREAM (Blankensteijn) & June 9,2005 & & & & & & & & 2 & 2 & \\
DREAM(Bruin) & May 20,2010 & & & & & & & & 6 & 6 & \\
Garcia-Madrid et al & October,2004 & 1997.3-2000.8 & Spain & Eur.J.Vasc.Endovasc.Surg. & single-center & 53 & 30 & Retro. & 1.6 & 2.2 & \\
Rigberg et al & September,2004 & 2001.1-2002.12 & USA & Arch.Surg. & single-center & 61 & 89 & Retro. & … & … & \\
EVAR trial 1 & August 25,2004 & 1999.9.1-2003.12 & UK & Lancet. & 34 centers & 543 & 539 & RCT & … & … & The EVAR trial participants \\
& June 25,2005 & & & & & & & & 2.9 & 2.9 & \\
& May 20,2010 & 1999.9.1-2004 & & N.Engl.J.Med & 37 centers $\Phi$ & 626 & 626 & & 5 & 5 & \\
Ballard et al & April,2004 & 2000.11-2003.5 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 22 & 107 & PNR & … & … & PCS-12 and MCS-12Δ \\
Elkouri et al & March,2004 & 1999.12.1-2001.12.1 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 94 & 261 & Retro. & $>$ 0.08 & $>$ 0.08 & \\
Lee et al & March,2004 & 2001.1.1-2001.12,31 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & 986hospitals & 2565 & 4607 & Retro. & … & … & \\
Zeebregts et al & January,2004 & 1998.4-2003.1 & Netherlands & Brit.J.Surg. & single-center & 93 & 82 & PNR & 1.6 & 1.7 & Exclude former OSR \\
Moore et al & July,2003 & 1995.11.22-1998.2.12 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & multicenter & 573 & 111 & PNR & 5 & 5 & EGS \& Ancure $\pounds$ \\
Jordan et al & May,2003 & 2000.1.1-2002.6.12 & USA & Ann.Surg. & single-center & 130 & 87 & Retro. & … & … & High-Risk \\
Criado et al & April,2003 & 1999.3.24-2000.9.19 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & 17 centers & 240 & 126 & PNR & 1.1 & 0.9 & Talent LPS \\
Matsumura et al & February,2003 & 1998.12-2000.1 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & 19 centers & 235 & 99 & PNR & 5 & 5 & Excluder \\
Peterson et al & May,2007 & & & & & & & & & & \\
Hansman et al & January,2003 & 1999.11 - 2002.1 & USA & Am.J.Surg. & single-center & 50 & 50 & Retro. & … & … & \\
Arko et al & 2003 & 1996.10-2000.7 & USA & J.Endovasc.Ther. & single-center & 153 & 141 & Retro. & … & … & \\
Ligush et al & September,2002 & 1999.12-2001.6 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 33 & 66 & Retro. & … & … & \\
Teufelsbauer et al & July 29,2002 & 1995.1-2000.12 & Austria & Circulation. & single-center & 206 & 248 & Retro. & 2.5 & 2.5 & \\
Cuypers et al & April 15,2001 & 1996.9-1999.10 & Netherlands & Brit.J.Surg. & 2 centers & 57 & 19 & RCT & … & … & \\
Brewster et al & June,1998 & 1994.1-1997.5 & USA & J.Vasc.Surg. & single-center & 28 & 28 & Retro. & … & … & \\
EVAR: elective endovascular repair; OSR: elective open surgical repair;
Retro: retrospective data collection; PNR: prospective non-randomized trial;
RCT: randomized controlled trial;
\$: Database described as Canadian Institute for Health Information Discharge
Abstract Database in Ontario
\textsterling: Stents system described as Talent enhanced Low Profile System
\textdagger: Database described as Vascular Study Group of Northern New
England, in this paper we excluded the following data: Carotid endarterectomy,
lower extremity bypass and rupture AAA open surgical repair.
$\Vert$: Database described as Veterans
Health Administration's National Surgical Quality Improvement Program.
\textdaggerdbl: The following endografts were used: Guidant-AnCure,
Medtronic-AneuRx, Gore-Excluder and Endologix-PowerLink.
\textparagraph: Database described as National Surgical Quality Improvement
Program Private Sector.
\textsection: The composition of the DREAM Trial Group includes 24 centers in
the Netherlands and 4 centers in Belgium.
$\Phi$: Until August 2004, the EVAR trial consisted of 37 clinical centers
which included 34 centers that were reported in 2004 and 2005 and an additional 3
centers that contributed 170 patients.
$\Phi$: Two scoring systems were considered: PCS, Physical Component Summary
score and MCS, Mental Component Summary score.
$\pounds$: Stents system includes an EGS component at 18 sites and an Ancure component
at 21 sites.}
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作者追问:2019-12-17 17:04